Friday, May 20, 2011

"All's Well That Ends Well" is the only Shakespeare title that is a complete sentence. So?

So, Melissa suggested that I post my director's notes for "All's Well That Ends Well". Tell me what you think:

“All’s Well That Ends Well”. The title is a sentence. It is the only title of any Shakespeare play to hold that distinction. And because it is a sentence complete with a verb (the contracted “is” in “All’s”), it postulates a point of view with which we can either find ourselves in agreement, or of disagreement. And that’s where the journey begins for us. “All is well that ends well.” Consider that. Is it true? Do the “ends justify the means”?

There is not a definitive answer to that question in our culture. Even if we say we stand against that sort of philosophy, we still indulge in it as a matter of policy on a constant basis. For instance, the majority of us in this country espouse that we feel that killing others is wrong, and yet that war in a justified cause is not only acceptable, but necessary. If that is the case then we must feel that our actions are vindicated by our desired outcome. All’s well that ends well, yes? If we say that we stand against killing, but that killing is acceptable to bring about a desirable end, then aren’t we saying that those desirable ends are justifiable by those undesirable means?

Let’s hold the question up and look at it in another light: We culturally believe that thievery is wrong. We also believe that charity is a virtue. So, I ask you: Is Robin Hood a good person or a bad person? Are his ends justified by his means? OK, now ask the same question about the fellow who breaks into your house and steals your TV because he has no money. Are the actions of either one of these persons who are operating outside of the legal system justified by the ends they bring about? Did you answer “Yes” for one and “No” for the other? Yes, the situations are a bit different in each instance but the means, “theft”, is not. Do you feel that theft is sometimes OK? If you do, then to what extent is your acceptance of that fact rooted in your judgment of the “rightness” of the outcome?

Please understand, I’m not writing this to tell you my opinion of the ethical nature of the means or the end. This is not a “Pro” or “Anti” statement. I merely wonder: If undesirable actions produce desired ends, then are the undesirable actions vindicated?

OK…. Not easy questions. “All’s Well…” is not an easy play. It’s a funny play, to be sure, but it is also a challenging play. And because it is so rarely produced, I feel that it is a misunderstood and underappreciated play. I really believe that Shakespeare is challenging you with his title. You must decide about his statement. Do you think Shakespeare believes that his title is a statement of fact or a rationalization for unacceptable actions? Hmmmm. What do you believe?

OK… I hope that you enjoy our little comedy. By the end, perhaps our means will be justified. Perhaps not. My friend Will and I leave that for you to decide.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

.... in which I put my shoulder to it, and set forth again....

Several years ago, back before I got sick (more on that in the future, I'm sure) I set myself a loose daily template for what I considered an enjoyable, fulfilling and successful life. I called it "The Four Things". It was my hope that each day I would find enough time to devote to Reading, Writing, Exercising, and Playing Guitar. I was somewhat successful but found that even though this seemed like a modest set of goals, I often found that I had missed one of the elements. This was due to :

a.) a busy and erratic schedule made even more full 6 days out of the week by a 90 minute round-trip commute 
b.) a tendency of mine to become either wrapped up with involved projects which took up the whole of most days (I have an old house that needs a fair amount of attention, as well as tons of stuff in the house which also requires an equal or greater amount of my focus)
c. ) periodic tendencies toward a rather deep slothfulness.

Still, although I did not meet this four-fold goal most of the time, or even much of the time, I found that nearly every day I did at least two of "The Four Things". And although that ration didn't "satisfy" me, per se', it did give me a sense of pride and well being that I was dedicating myself regularly to making a bit of a difference in my quality of life by focusing on these self-sustaining activities.

Then, with-in a year I got sick... I became infected with Lyme Disease which compromised a lot of my focus, personal health, and quality of outlook. During this time I remembered about "The Four Things" and still tried to stick to them, but my ability to read was severly curtailed for a bit by the disconcerting nature of the illness.

Among other horrible symptoms, in it's chroninc stage it takes reading comprehension down to almost nothing. This also curtailed writing (except about Lyme itself, because I was so angry, frightened, and amazed by the ineffective and uninformed regard given the disease by the medical profession, insurance companies, local and state legislation, and the public at large that what focus I had I directed obsessively in this area.... as do other folks with this scary and painful condition... and, I am confident in asserting, as very probably would you if you were unfortunate enough to fall down that particular rabbit hole.)

Exercise is part of any plan to heal Lyme, but because of the pain, discomfort, and energy-sapping nature of the disease I did not exercise regularly and gained a fair amount of weight. This typical a large portion of folks with Lyme and sets off a self perpetuating cycle of unhealth that is hard to vanquish.

And because Lyme was making me fat, lazy, and stupid.... I didn't feel much like playing the guitar.

Sooo...... there I was with my new "Four Things" program lying in pieces on the ground, and my body, mind, and soul in a shambles. I began the "2 steps forward, 1 back", "1 step forward, 3 back", "No steps forward, no steps back" game that is trying to eradicate Lyme from the body. I have had different levels of success, am still fighting, but now have about 90% of my old life back... most of the time.... sometimes I only have about 60% of it back.... but I keep on, 'cause there's not really any alternative.

Anyway, long story short.... I now journal erratically, but find myself more often "writing", as 'twere, on my Facebook page... and although that is often fun and fairly effective way to keep in touch with folks who are important in one's life, I often find that the broad "scatter-shot" of that network often does not encourage long form written composition.... and also, given my tendency to usually want to talk about the two big "no-no"s in polite conversation, Politics and Religion, I often alienate my self not just from the folks who disagree with me, but also from those folks who understandably feel that "this is not the place" for that nature of self expression. Some people may want to discuss issues of Taxation, Regulation, Social Responsibility, Economics, etc. but a whole lot of folks just want to play Farmville..... that is, until you stir them up with the above topics... and then you not only don't get to talk about what you wanted to in the first place, but you also feel like a jerk for causing an un-necessary ruckus.

That's why I started this Blog: So I could have an outlet to write about this stuff in a semi-public manner without alienating those folks who are not interested. I don't promise to write in it every day, or even regularly, but it's here for when I feel like saying stuff that I feel is not better said either in the very private outlet of my written journals, or the very public out let of the Fbook.

Since you're reading this, I'm glad you're here. I'll tell you what's on my mind and look forward to hearing what's on yours. As long as we maintain a basic level of civility then I'm up for talking about nearly anything.

Here goes..............